Friday, March 12, 2010

My story

Hi there,

My name is Niklas and I work as a Research Engineer in Canberra, Australia.
For some time now I've been having problems with my body. In particular back pain
and migraines. I blame most of it on sitting in front of the computer most of the day, but it should not have to be this way. I do not accept being in pain!

Because of my research background I do not accept the standard medical doctor answer: "Take a few panadol and get back to me if it's not better in two weeks." In my opinion this is like putting a piece of black sticky tape over the red warning light flashing in your car. The pain might not be there anymore (temporarily) but the reason for the pain does not go away. Instead, I do everything in my power to figure out why a part of my body is in pain. Truth be told, I have lost quite a bit of faith in the traditional (well, for the past 80years or so) medicines.

So, if you like to follow my progress and endeavours in curing my pains, click on the follow link in top left of this page.


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